The Entrepreneur's Dilemma

One of the hardest things about being an entrepreneur is the simple fact that there are only 24 hours in a day. So many report that most or all of their marketing planning takes place in the middle of the night - when they should be sleeping. Insomnia is an inadvisable source for inspiration.


Entrepreneurs need someone who is tuned in to the current developments in reaching an audience. It's the partnering of current creative marketing methods and an entrepreneur's experience that are the "magic" combination we seek.


11:Eleven is prepared to assume this role, and do so in complete sync with your vision and experience. Many of the 'nationwide' marketing groups, many of which were formerly in the yellow pages business, simply are not set up to understand your business and take the time needed to create an effective marketing message.


Your unique vision can be brought to reality.

Social Media's Part in Small Business


It's all the buzz, but what exactly is social media supposed to do for your company's growth...

Look and Feel: Does Your Business Look Like the Winning Option?


There is so little time to devote to stepping back to create or review your company's "big picture,"...